Demystifying GDPR: Your Essential Guide for SMEs and Consultants
Still wondering about the essence of GDPR? Whether you're a consultant or an SME owner, you might be wondering about your responsibilities. The good news is, you don't need to feel guilty. It's time to take action because comprehensive information and instructions on compliance are readily available. These valuable resources originate directly from guidelines provided by the European Data Protection Board.
Sveliamo il Mistero dei Framework Privacy: ISO 27701, MITRE Privacy Maturity Model e NIST Privacy Model
Un privacy framework è una sorta di guida, una struttura, o un insieme di linee guida che le aziende possono seguire per proteggere i dati personali dei loro clienti e utenti. È come una mappa che ti dice cosa fare per rispettare le leggi sulla privacy.
Unveiling the Great Divide: Management vs. Leadership – Which Path Leads to Success?
Learn the key differences between management and leadership, and consider how each plays a part in the success of an organization. This article digs into the dynamic interaction between management and leadership, examining significant distinctions and highlighting successful tactics while providing insightful tips to boost output and motivation and eventually produce outstanding results.
How to Make the Most Out of a Challanging Certification Starting on Day One
Obtaining a certification represents an investment in increasing one's "explicit value" as a Subject Matter Expert and as a Candidate. You can get value out of your certification when you start studying and not only after you get certified.
Do Security Controls Sometimes Make You Feel Stupid?
Security Controls represents the natural intersection between compliance and cybersecurity. For example, they are one of the best ways to demonstrate the Accountability requested by GDPR in many articles to data controllers and data processors.
Lo Schema Internazionale ©ISDP10003
Dello schema Inveo ISDP ©10003 “Schema Internazionale per la valutazione della Conformità al Regolamento Europeo 2016/679” e gia’ stato scritto davvero molto, e, in generelae di GDPR e’ stato scritto anche troppo (probabilmente anche a causa della “sovrapproduzione normativa” di cui noi tutti addetti ai lavori siamo vittime), ciononostante anche noi vogliamo provare a dare il nostro contributo ...